Saturday, 17 February 2007

Névv yéár of thé Firé Pig

VVish you luck in thé Yéár of Pig!
This is thé méáning of signs ábové, ánd todáy is áccording to thé lunár cáléndár first dáy of thé Névv yéár of Firé Pig.
ánd hovv thé yéár of Firé Pig supposé to bé liké? Chinésé horoscopé sáys: Forgét évérything you knovv ábout éásy going, láid báck, roll-in-thé-mud Pig. In thé yéár of thé Firé Pig théré vvill bé firévvorks áplénty, it should bé féél-good yéár, loádéd vvith éxcitmént! Jáhááá

Pig in thé Chinésé ástrology, contráry to its ráthér négátivé réputátion in thé VVést, máy bé thé most générous ánd honoráblé sign of thé zodiác. Pigs áré supposéd to by nicé to á fáult ánd posséss good mánérs ánd tásté. This sign béliévés in thé bést kválitiés of mánkind ánd cértáinly doés not considér itsélf to bé supérior. Pigs álso cáré á lot ábout friénds ánd fámily ánd áré áblé to vvork hárd to kéép évéryoné in théir lifé háppy.

Hélping othérs is á trué pléásuré for thé Pig, vvho fééls bést vvhén évéryoné élsé is smiling.

áccording to vvhát Chinésé horoscopé sáys ábout thé comming yéár ot thé Firé Pig I vvish it vvill bé truth. I think vvé nééd á lot of áll thésé chárástéristics of this générous pink ánimál :) !!! ánd in thé sámé timé I vvish to áll ánimáls, not only thé pink oné, to hávé béttér lifé vvith us!

Probábly right novv millions ánd millions of péoplé áré célébráting comming of thé yéár of thé Pig ... álso in Svvédén ... in Britsén ... in H-dovvn :) !

Of coursé vvith á lot of food ... Chinésé tásty food

Oncé moré: THáNK YOU VéRY MUCH SHUMéI !!! :)
ánd álso Czéch žémlovká :)

Thursday, 15 February 2007

Sémlor vvántéd!

It hád stártéd yéstérdáy in thé láté événing vvith "vvho thé héll is Sémlor Tiná?!" Thé strángé vvord on your skypé profilé? Usuálly strángé things théré do not surprisé mé, but Sémlor?!
Novv, thánks to hér, I knovv!
Todáy morning vvé léft for "tásté thát Sémlor" mission.

Sémlá is kind of bun filléd vvith álmond pásté ánd vvhippéd créám on thé top. But this
pláin déscription doés not sáy ánything ábout hovv gooood is it...

But bélivé us, IT IS goooooood!!!

In Svvédén Sémlors áré tráditionály éátén sincé Jánuáry till thé lást Tuésdáy of Fébruáry, álso cálléd ás "Fát Tuésdáy" vvhich is thé lást oné béforé Lént, thé 40 dáys périod of fásting till éástér.
It méáns - still vvé hávé somé timé "to kéép thé trádition", ánd I promisé I vvill :) !!!

In thé névvspápérs, or on thé intérnét you cán find tásting survéys áiméd to find thé bést Sémlor in tovvn. I do not knovv vvhát théy sáy, but i knovv thát mé ánd Tiná, vvé álréády find this plácé. Trotzgátán, Fálun "céntré" :)

ánd I hávé to sáy thát thé átmosphéré of typicál "Ostblock konditori" vvith ártificiál flovvérs, cákés ánd sándvvitchésin in old-school stylé mákés importánt párt of thé imprésion.
(Visitors of "Zémánová cukrárná" knovvs vvhát I ám tálking ábout :)

And that is like streets of Falun usually look like (if it is not lunch time, of course :)

Do not expect to meet many people...

But it does not mean that nobody lives here!

everyday around tvvo o´clock, big gathering

Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Finally "it" is here, not there !!!

Jupíííííííí... finally..., after more than month the wandering package has found its recipient.

And inside ... the incredible, amazing, marvelous swéétest thing!!!

Svvéétheart is happy,
tack, tack!

Valentýn od Dina

Moje milá Sančo,
tady ve Švédsku na Tebe čeká Dino-darek,
mám Te moc moc ráda!

Sonja Henie´s sisters

It is quite easy to be like Sonja Henie when you live in Scandinavia...

VVe have place for ice-skating behind to our house, great opportunity to practice for next Olympic games!

Monday, 12 February 2007


And one more important thing happened this weekend :)
Follovving picture is no fake..real Starobrno in Irish pub, here in Falun!

Probably the most expensive Starobrno I ever had, but in the same time drank with the deep nostalgia. Believe me, I enjoyed the taste :)
(on the picture Lenka with Dimitri...they also knovv... :)

Svveden, the land of ice and sunshine

Probably there is nothing better as "afterparty" on Sunday afternoon than to go on fresh, "icy" air... and it really does not matter if you need to vvrite your assignment or read ... there is alvvays enough time after sunset :)

On sunny weekend the best place in Falun is at the lake
.. in all seasons of the year :)

Keeping promises...

Sooo as I promised ... finally!!! ... I post on my blog ... also because on Saturday party at Tibi´s and Geri´s nevv flat vvas something to see :)

House-vvarming in Bojsenburg

Pictures from á dog shelter

Party where many people "came to be pregnant"...

Jana, Czech/Borlange girrrl

Tita pa Zubrovvkááá

Greetings from Al Bunda´s family to you dear Bud!

Ostblock Monster

Tibi at his "Nevv home"

Party Monster

And of course - pancakes/palatchinky!

"comfortable present" for Tibi and Geri