Saturday, 24 February 2007

it is over...

One more important thing happened on Tuesday
Hand in of final paper brought us very very close to the end of the fifth course of our Master programme. Maybe reason to be á bit sad, celebrate á lot but definitely to have á rest! :)

So vve did our best ...

but not only in passive vvay. As I promised vve kept the tradition and had visited the Semlor paradise again...

Stronger and braver individuals topped it with Princess Torta :)

ál bundá´s birthdáy

On Tuésdáy Stéfán hád birthdáy, so vvé vvéré plánning to givé á párty. Mé ánd Tiná vvántéd to máké somé spéciál cáké for him, Tiná cámé vvith thé chállénging idéá of "Linzér Torté" (thé picturé ábové)! Probábly ánothér gréát récipé of hér fávour ádvisér, Mr. onliné Kuché :)

yés, ánd thé picturé bélovv is our vérsion of thát incrédibly tásty cáké vvith álmonds ánd cácáo pásté ánd ráspbérrys jám topping . . .

In thé cásé of food, shápé is not thé most importánt thing, ánd álso thé "rosé décorátion" is not ésséntiál :)

Nobody knovvs vvhy áftér áll this délicious things vvé hád prépáréd ... Stéfán vvás ágáin so éxcitéd ábout thé ápplé cáké?! ányvváy thé most importánt is thát hé lookéd réálly háppy ábout it :)

ánd vvé did not mind soooo much thát "Linzér Torté" vvás not thé objéct of his átténtion, hmm
I knovv it sincé my childhood thát in áustriá théy réálly knovv hovv to do délicious svvééts! :)

Sunday, 18 February 2007


Are European people also included in the Chinese horoscope?
Or is to the Europe coming Year of Schvvéinéréi instead?

(if yes, then kitchen H-dovvn is the beginning :)